Monday, July 30, 2007

Where is Obama and Durbin????? MIA

Illinois has almost complete Democratic leadership, and yet even the Demos cannot agree on a budget for the State of Illinois! We have a crazy Demo for Gov, the house and senate are full of democrats and they cannot pass a budget that every Illinois legislative body has been able to pass annually for years, even with divided legislative bodies.

Where are our illustrious Federal Senators? One is too busy beating up on Bush, who by the way won't be running for President next term. The other is out beating the bushes, he is getting his licks in on George too, wanting to be the next President.

Couldn't one or both of our Federal boys take a day off and help the state boys compromise on a budget? If Obamha really is Presidential material he could place a feather in his cap by negotiating a budget for his state.

Makes one wonder what will happen when Hillary or Obama get elected to preside over the House and Senate of a Federal level. I can hardly wait, nothing will be accomplished as Dingy Harry and Nancy P all want to "have it their way"

Come on down Obama and show us your leadership abilities in Springfield, your home state, where you failed to do anything doing your term of office.

I like the way you state that "I was against the war in Iraq from day one". Which vote was it that you voted? Oh that's right you were not even asked to vote were you. You were still in Illinois serving as a House member. The question is a little harder when you have to place your name on the line instead of being able to use hind sight.

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